Strong AI app(Claude AI App) to compete with ChatGPT launched in iPhone, how to download?

Claude AI App: After downloading it from the App Store, you can login to your phone with your Google account, email or Apple ID. Along with this, if you want the best version of the app then you will have to take a subscription.

Claude App on iPhone: iPhone users are going to get a big gift. Soon you will see an app like ChatGPT in the device. The name of this app is Claude, which was earlier introduced only for web users. Now it is being made available for smartphone users also, but it will be offered only for iOS users. However, Android users will have to wait a little for this.

Just like ChatGPT works, this app also works in the same way. Although Claude was launched in March last year, but now the company has decided to make it available for iOS users. You can use this app as a chatbot. If you ask any question in this, you will get the answer with correct facts.

How to download the app(Claude AI App)?

For iPhone users, it is accessible through the App Store. To download the app on the device, iPhone users will first have to go to the App Store. By going here you can search Claude by typing cloud. When you search the app, you will easily see it on the screen. Like ChatGPT, you can easily know and analyze about any photo, file and anything else in this app.

After installing it in iPhone, you can use it easily. After installation, you can login with your Google account, email or Apple ID. Once the login is complete, Claude will ask you for your name and details, after filling which you can use the app on your iPhone.

You can also take subscription of the app for the best version. For this, users will have to pay a fee of Rs 1,999 every month. To subscribe, you just have to tap on the pop-up message. After tapping here you can pay the subscription fee. Apart from this, you are going to get many benefits by switching to Claude Pro.

One thing to note is that in the free version of the app, users will have only limited messages. In this you will have a time limit in which you can send only 7 to 8 messages, however, after a few hours you can message the AI chatbot again.

Who has created Claude AI app?

This app has been developed by Anthropic, which is an AI chattool. With this you can ask many types of questions and get many tasks done easily. According to the information, Claude AI has been created by the ex-developer of ChatGPT’s parent company OpenAI. He resigned from OpenAI only after the launch of ChatGTP and developed this app.

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